Marina di Punta Ala

Available Boats in and around Grosseto


BERTHS: 885 berths, 70 of which reserved for transit. Boats up to 28 meters long with 4.5 meters maximum draft can be hosted.

MOORINGS: Mooring system consists of mother-chains clamped to concrete blocks casted into the sea bottom centreline of the sailing channels,bollards and rings on the piers/docks/wharfs. Lines connecting rings and mother-chains, without buoys, are provided.

SEA BOTTOM: Sand and silt

ACCESS HOURS: 24 hours

ACCESS: Keep starboard, max velocity 3 knots

DEPTHS: From 2 to 4,5 meters at the berths

RADIO: V.H.F. channels 09 and 16

PREVAILING WINDS: Southeast, West, Northwest

ADVERSE WINDS: North, Northeast


NEAREST SHELTERED ROADS: Cala Violina and Cala Martina for winds from 1° and 2° quadrant; Beaches coast north of the harbour for winds from 1° 2° and 3° quadrant.

DANGERS: Shelves at a depth of 1.7 meters , located about 200 meters North of Hidalgo Point ,are identified by a flashing buoy, West Cardinal,50 meters West of the same Hidalgo Point. Attention must be paid to shallow sea bottom (1-2meters) East of the above mentioned Hidalgo Point.

RULES: Control tower must be contacted on VHF Channel 09 or by phone (0039 from abroad) 0564 922784 before entering the harbour.


  • The shipyard is provided with basin for hauling and launching
  • Travel lift of 100 t
  • Mobile crane of 40 t
  • 6000 square meters area for storage and maintenance
  • Engine repair
  • Check up and repair of electronic and electric equipment
  • Steel and woods works
  • Sails and hulls repair


  • Gasoline station
  • Drinking and washing water close to each berth
  • Electric energy for each berth
  • Fire-fighting service
  • Waste collection
  • Weather information
  • Car parking areas
  • Mooring assistance
  • Shallow-water divers
  • Showers and Toilets
  • Nursery
  • First Aid (summertime)
  • 24H Guard
  • Video surveillance
  • Supermarket and ice

Grosseto | Tuscany

N42°48'17.02" E10°43'57.63"


+39 (0)564 922217

Marina di Punta Ala

Località Porto 58040 Punta Ala (GR) Italy

Driving Distances
Mark Grosseto
45 km
Airport Grosseto Airport
44 km
Airport Pisa International Airport
131 km
Sailing Distances