
Halki is an island hardly touched by the effects of tourism. There are very few cars on the island and you won‘t have much luck looking for a scooter either ...


Halki is an island hardly touched by the effects of tourism. There are very few cars on the island and you won‘t have much luck looking for a scooter either. The rocky island features almost no greenery while the brightly-coloured neo-classical houses in the port of Emporio are similar to those in Symi. In Emporio, you can moor up to the new raft, either using your own anchor or lengthways. Water can be organised. Alternatively, you can anchor on the beach at the western bay in Potamos, which is around a 1 km walk from Emporio where you‘ll find restaurants on the beach front. A walk along the road to the centre of the island and its fort is particularly recommended.

N36°13'21,72" E27°36'48,6"

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Al meer dan 10 jaar is de Bayexpress een betrouwbare gids voor zeilers in Turkije, de Oost-Griekse eilanden van de Dodekanesos of in Kroatië. In de nieuwe versie van de app voor de Kroatische kust zijn, naast de meest interessante restaurants langs de kust en op de eilanden, voor het eerst ook de boeienvelden van Kroatië op de kaart aangegeven, evenals alle ferryterminals en benzinestations.

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