Destinations > Turquie > Orhaniye / Keçi Bükü

Orhaniye / Keçi Bükü

Right at the mouth of Hisarönü Körfezi (the gulf of the castles) lies Goat Bay (Keçibükü), also called Orhaniye ...


Right at the mouth of Hisarönü Körfezi (the gulf of the castles) lies Goat Bay (Keçibükü), also called Orhaniye. It carves its shapes into the green, wooded land towards the South and is home to several restaurants besides the Martı Marina. Keçibükü is well protected against all winds. At the Southeastern end, a small river flows into the sea which sweeps red coloured earth out in a wide curve from the surrounding mountains. Visitors can walk on the sandy bar in calf-deep water - giving the illusion of floating over the sea ...

N36°45'3,6" E28°7'47,64"

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Turquie & Grèce/Dodacanèse
