Destinations > Turquie > Knidos Lighthouse

Knidos Lighthouse

It is highly commended to do the walk to the Knidos lighthouse in early morning hours because of the hot weather or in the evening to watch the sun go down behind the island of Kos ...


It is highly commended to do the walk to the Knidos lighthouse in early morning hours because of the hot weather or in the evening to watch the sun go down behind the island of Kos. You will need about 20 min. Up there, a cooling wind always blows fiercely. Looking to the south you have a wonderful view of the Mediterranean, and turning to the north, you will see the Aegean. Knidos constitutes the boundary between them.

N36°41'12,12" E27°21'48,6"

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Turquie & Grèce/Dodacanèse
