Destinations > Turquie > Kafedaki


Around 100m above Bodrum harbour and affording majestic views of the city sits the cool terrace of Kafedaki ...


Around 100m above Bodrum harbour and affording majestic views of the city sits the cool terrace of Kafedaki. The owner spent 18 years living in London and this is reflected in the international flair of his restaurant, which offers live Latin jazz music in the evenings. Call the day before to organise a pick-up shuttle service from Milta Marina. The menu features steak, the speciality Testi Kebap served in a sealed clay pot, and fish in a salt crust. For dessert, there is soufflé or chestnuts with white chocolate. The restaurant is open all year round (from 10 am to 2 am) and has its own wine cellar and an indoor bar with stunning views.

Bateaux disponibles dans et autour de Bodrum

N37°2'52,44" E27°24'47,88"

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Turquie & Grèce/Dodacanèse
