Aluguel de barcos em Estrada da cidade, Ilhas Virgens Britânicas


Bali 5.4 - Catamarã

Navigare Yachting
Destaques 10

16.8 m
8.7 m
1.48 m
Ano de construção
Ano de construção
Máximo. Berços
Máximo. Berços
Cabine dupla
Cabine dupla
Chuveiro para convidados
Chuveiro para convidados
WC para convidados
WC para convidados
Cabines da tripulação
Cabines da tripulação
Berços da tripulação
Berços da tripulação
Banheiros/Chuveiro para a tripulação
Banheiros/Chuveiro para a tripulação

Vela de Gênova
Vela principal
Full Batten
Sala das máquinas

80 HP
80 HP
Depósito de Combustível
1200 lt
Depósito de Água
1200 lt
1 cv
Painel Solar
1 cv
Fabricante de água
1 lt/hr

Ponto de acesso à Internet
Somente geladeira

Piloto automático
Steering Wheel
Primário elétrico
Lista de equipamentos

Equipamento(s) adicional(is)
Almofadas do cockpit
Tanque de água extra
Vela principal superior quadrada de Dacron
Bolsa preguiçosa
macacos preguiçosos
Régua paralela
Refletor de radar
Tanque de combustível extra
Baterias de serviço
Kit de ferramentas
luzes submarinas LED
Equipamento de mergulho
Stand up paddle (SUP) - GRATUITO
toalhas de praia
Ventiladores elétricos
Toalhas de banho
Top bimini
bola preta
cone preto
Gancho de barco
Contador de corrente no posto de comando
Mesa do cockpit
Cabine/chuveiro de popa
Escova de convés
Top duro Bimini
Jerry pode para combustível
Almofadas de solário
Escada de natação
Mangueira de água
Máquina de café
Churrasqueira (churrasco)
Utensílios de cozinha
Adega climatizada
Sinal de fumaça flutuante
Extintor de incêndio
Kit de primeiros socorros
Corda flutuante
Buzina de neblina
Bóia salva-vidas
Colete salva-vidas (crianças)
Coletes salva-vidas
Bote salva-vidas
Detector de fumaça

Extras Obrigatórios

Tudo incluído€ 840 por reserva Adiantamento de pagamento
*** To be added upon client`s price - OBLIGATORY - CAT from 46 ft - BVI - Includes damage waiver insurance/full coverage* - NEW!, welcome package, final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine & fuel, propane gas, full water tanks, snorkelling equipment, National parks permits. Beach towels are provided 1 per person for the charter. Yacht Fuel is not included – the fuel tank will be full when your charter starts and you are responsible for topping off the fuel tank at the end of your charter. ***** CRUISING TAX is NOT INCLUDED.
Tudo incluído€ 840 por reserva Adiantamento de pagamento
*** To be added upon client's price - OBLIGATORY - CAT from 46 ft - BVI - Includes damage waiver insurance/full coverage* - NEW!, welcome package, final cleaning, bed sheets & towels, dinghy, outboard engine & fuel, propane gas, full water tanks, snorkelling equipment, National parks permits and VISAR . Beach towels are provided 1 per person for the charter. Yacht Fuel is not included – the fuel tank will be full when your charter starts and you are responsible for topping off the fuel tank at the end of your charter. ***** CRUISING TAX is NOT INCLUDED.
Busca e resgate marítimo€ 4.55 por reserva A ser pago na base
Extra paid at base for the local Search and Sea rescue association (VISAR). The proceeds are fully sent to the association. 5 US $ per person / Payment in cash only.
Imposto de Cruzeiro das Ilhas Virgens Britânicas€ 3.48 Adiantamento de pagamento
BVI: Cruising tax payable in advance: 4 USD per person / day (Price will be adjusted when the option is confirmed)
Taxa de cruzeiro€ 3.48 por dia Adiantamento de pagamento
BVI: Cruising tax payable in advance: 4 USD per person / day (Price will be adjusted when the option is confirmed)
Extras opcionais

Cozinhar€ 240 por dia Adiantamento de pagamento
Cook requires standard cabin with access to a toilet and shower + food. A gratuity of 15-20% of the crew fee is customary for excellent service. Cooking breakfast, lunch, dinners, and supplies, keeping the kitchen clean (not the rest of the boat, not the cabins). NOTE: Cook details will be available 3 days before the charter.
Capitão€ 295 por dia Adiantamento de pagamento
Skipper requires standard cabin with access to a toilet and shower + food (not peak skipper cabin). A gratuity of 15-20% of the crew fee is customary for excellent service ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter.
Capitão€ 345 por dia Adiantamento de pagamento
Skipper using crew-cabin (peak cabin) with access to a toilet and shower*** Gratuity A gratuity of 15-20% of the crew fee is customary for excellent service ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter
Checkout Skipper€ 370 por reserva Adiantamento de pagamento
A check-out skipper (COS) is a professional captain that boards with you on Day 1, and is dropped off late afternoon the same day. A COS may be requested by you or may be required by Navigare after review of your sailing resume.
Cozinhar€ 240 por dia Adiantamento de pagamento
Cook requires standard cabin with access to a toilet and shower + food. A gratuity of 15-20% of the crew fee is customary for excellent service. Cooking breakfast, lunch, dinners, and supplies, keeping the kitchen clean (not the rest of the boat, not the cabins). ***NOTE: Cook details will be available 3 days before the charter.
Capitão€ 295 por dia Adiantamento de pagamento
Skipper requires standard cabin with access to a toilet and shower + food (not peak skipper cabin). A gratuity of 15-20% of the crew fee is customary for excellent service ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter.
Capitão€ 345 por dia Adiantamento de pagamento
Skipper using crew-cabin (peak cabin) with access to a toilet and shower*** Gratuity A gratuity of 15-20% of the crew fee is customary for excellent service ***NOTE: Skipper details will be available 3 days before the charter
Checkout Skipper€ 370 por reserva Adiantamento de pagamento
A check-out skipper (COS) is a professional captain that boards with you on Day 1, and is dropped off late afternoon the same day. A COS may be requested by you or may be required by Navigare after review of your sailing resume.
APA (Provisão Antecipada)€ 4000 por semana Adiantamento de pagamento
The APA amount is used to cover all expenses during the course of the charter such as fuel, food, beverages, mooring fee and other expenses not included in the Charter Fee. The captain of the yacht is responsible for accounting for all APA expenses during the charter, and the breakdown will be presented to the client at the end of the charter. (AVAILABLE ONLY WHEN BOOKED WITH NAVIGARE SKIPPER AND HOSTESS OR COOK)
APA (Provisão Antecipada)€ 4000 por semana Adiantamento de pagamento
The APA amount is used to cover all expenses during the course of the charter such as fuel, food, beverages, mooring fee and other expenses not included in the Charter Fee. The captain of the yacht is responsible for accounting for all APA expenses during the charter, and the breakdown will be presented to the client at the end of the charter. (AVAILABLE ONLY WHEN BOOKED WITH NAVIGARE SKIPPER AND HOSTESS OR COOK)
Limpeza extra€ 330 por reserva Adiantamento de pagamento
Cleaning and new bed linen and towels
Limpeza extra€ 350 por reserva Adiantamento de pagamento
Cleaning and new bed linen and towels
Limpeza extra€ 350 por reserva Adiantamento de pagamento

Cancelamento de seguro% 4  Adiantamento de pagamento
with Covid coverage (4% of client`s Total price) - European clients Only
Internet sem fio€ 130.4 por semana Adiantamento de pagamento
Unlimited - included in the price
Stand up paddle (SUP)€ 20 por dia Adiantamento de pagamento

Internet sem fio€ 130.44 por reserva Adiantamento de pagamento
Unlimited Wifi / BVI / BAH / CAR
Compra de pontos de hospedagem€ 15 por reserva Adiantamento de pagamento

Instrutor de Vela€ 350 por dia A ser pago na base
Sailing instructor BVI
Dormir antes do check-in€ 1000 por reserva Adiantamento de pagamento
Sleep over on a day before the check-in: Sleep over from 5PM on a day before the check-in date and time stated in the contract: 65% of the daily rate. (Price will be adjusted when the option is confirmed)
Dormir antes do check-in€ 1000 por reserva Adiantamento de pagamento
Sleep over on a day before the check-in: Sleep over from 5PM on a day before the check-in date and time stated in the contract: 65% of the daily rate. (Price will be adjusted when the option is confirmed)
Instrutor de Vela€ 350 por dia A ser pago na base
Sailing instructor BVI
Rede de corrimão (rede de segurança)€ 155 por reserva Adiantamento de pagamento

Rede de corrimão (rede de segurança)€ 155 por reserva Adiantamento de pagamento
mounting not included

Aluguel de iates e barcos em Ilhas Virgens Britânicas, Catamarã

ChillinHut construído em 2024 é um grande catamarã para suas férias de aluguel de iates de sonho. Desfrute da beleza Ilhas Virgens Britânicas com este Bali 5.4 localizado em Ilhas Virgens Britânicas | Estrada da cidade | Village Cay Marina
