GMM Yachting

GMM Yachting

Üçüncü kuşağın 30 yıllık mesleki tecrübesi

Tekne kiralama, bakım & onarım ve tekne idare & yöneticilik alanlarında bizler, İlona ve Patrick Frere 3. Kuşakta, eski bir aile şirketiyiz. Her birimiz uzun yıllardan beri çoşkulu birer yelkenciyiz. Yıllar boyu denize ve denizciliğe olan sevgimiz sayesinde kiralık bir yelkenli teknenin nasıl en mükemmel bir şekilde tasarlanması gerektiği konusunda kesin fikirler geliştirdik.

Bunun neticesinde GMM-Yachting yaşama geçmiştir. İdeal Kiralık teknenin misafirlerimiz için nasıl görünmesi gerektiğini bildiğimiz için daima en iyi hizmeti sunmaktayız. Yelken seyrine hazır mükemmel donatılmış tekneler, tur öncesi, tur esnasında ve tur bitiminde müşterilerimize birinci sınıf hizmeti sunmak temel ilkelerimizdir.

Mükemmel tekne

Eğer bir sonraki seyahatinizde GMM yatçılığı seçerseniz, seyahatinizde en üst düzeyde memnuniyet ve eğlenceyi garanti etmiş olursunuz.. Kullanacağınız yatın durumu hakkında  endişe etmenize hiç gerek yok. Tek endişeniz rüzgarın doğru yönden esmesi olsun, gerisini biz hallederiz. Yatlarımızın bakımı ve ekipmanı için, ciddi zaman ve emek harcamaktayız. Bütün yatlarımız en iyi durumda, en iyi şekilde  ve sevgiyle hazırlanmış olarak tatiliniz için sizleri beklemektedir.

GMM Yachting

Çeşitli dillerde müşteri hizmeti

Bireysel müşteri hizmetlerine çok büyük önem vermekteyiz. Personelimiz sadece İngilizce ve Almanca değil, Flamanca, Rusça ve Türkçe de konuşabilmektedir.

Kişisel iletişim

Kişisel iletişim ve doğrudan bilgi verme bizim için çok önemlidir. Sorularınızı hızla ve profesyonelce cevaplarız. Teknenizde geçireceğiniz tatilin bütün organizasyonu ile biz ilgileniriz. İsteklerinizi bize bildirin, GMM yatlarımızdan birinde unutulmaz bir tatil geçirmeniz için elimizden geleni yapacağız.

Deneyimli ekibimizden en iyi kaliteli  hizmet

Binlerce memnun müşteri, verdiğimiz hizmetin kalitesininin en güzel örneğidir. Yat kiralamada hizmet ekibi yönetimi, 25 yıllık bir deneyime sahiptir ve müşterilerimiz yüzde doksan oranla geri dönmektedir. GMM yatçılık, denizi ve yelkeni seven profesyonel bir ekiptir.

GMM Yachting

Havaalanı Transferi

Opsiyonel - Ücret ve koşullar rezervasyon sürecinde belirtilecek

Havaalanı Servisi

Mevcut Değil


Ödendi - Lütfen bilgi için operatörünüzle iletişime geçin

Bavul Depolama

Mevcut Değil

Bekleme Alanı

Operatörün ofisinde mevcut

Duş / Tuvalet

Marina alanında mevcut

Teknik Destek

7/24 Hizmet

Konuşulan Diller


GMM Yachting

Hizmet Şartları

Kiralama fiyatına şunlar dahildir:

  1. Aksesuarları/ekipmanları dahil olmak üzere yatın kiracı ve mürettebat tarafından kullanılması.
  2. Yatın doğal aşınması ve yıpranması,
  3. 6. paragrafta belirtilen sigorta primleri,
  4. Yatın kalıcı bağlama üssünde destek.
  5. Yatın kalıcı demirleme üssünde tahakkuk eden vergiler, harçlar ve vergiler (transitlog hariç)

1. Güvenlik depozitosu

Depozito bedeli, yatın tesliminde kredi kartı ile ödenir, depozito için banka kartları kullanılamaz, sadece kredi kartları. Bu depozito, yatın üssünde hasar görmeden teslim edilmesi halinde iade edilir.

€ 50ft'ye kadar olan tüm tekneler için 2.500 geçerlidir. Depozito tazminat ücreti & euro; Haftada 200 depozito ücretini & euro; 500.

€ 57ft'ye kadar olan tüm tekneler ve katamaranlar için 3.500 geçerlidir. Depozito tazminat ücreti & euro; Haftada 350, depozito ücretini &euro'ya düşürür; 1.000.

Jeanneau 64 için depozito ücreti € 6.500. Depozito tazminat ücreti mümkün değildir.

Yat bir ralli veya tekne yarışına katılırsa, depozito ücreti € 2.500'e kadar & euro; 4.000 ve € 3.500'den 5.000'e kadar. Depozito tazminatı tayin edilemez. Jeanneau 64 ile rallilere veya yarışlara katılmak yasaktır.

€ 500 tüm gennakçılar veya baloncular için geçerlidir. Depozito tazminatı atanamaz.

Kabul edilen kredi kartları: Eurocard/Mastercard, VISA

2. Kaptan/Kaptan

Kiralayan veya görevlendirdiği kaptan, yatı açık sulara yönlendirmek ve gerekli yelken ehliyetine sahip olduğunu kanıtlamak için gerekli bilgi ve deneyime sahip olmalıdır. Gerekirse, bu bilgiler sigorta şirketi tarafından kontrol edilecektir. Adı geçen kaptan sağlanan bilgi ve belgeleri imzasıyla onaylar.

Kiralayanların ve/veya kaptanların bu sözleşmeye göre yükümlülüklerini, kiralama süresi dolmadan sona erdirmeleri veya kiralama süresi dolmadan yattan ayrılmaları durumunda, kiralama sona ermiş sayılır ve yatın derhal kiralamaya teslim edilmesi gerekir. şirket. Kiralayan ve/veya kaptan, bu durumlarda yatı iade etmedikleri takdirde kiralama şirketine bu kiralamadan doğan tüm masraf, kayıp ve zararlardan eksiksiz olarak sorumludur.

Kiralama şirketi devir teslim sırasında, kiralayanın / kaptanın denizcilik bilgisinin yatı güvenli bir şekilde yönlendirmek için yeterli olmadığını belirlerse veya kiralama şirketi, kiracının/kaptanların seyir kabiliyetine ilişkin makul şüpheleri varsa, o zaman kiralama şirketi, durumu şu şekilde çözme hakkı:

  • Paraflarını kiralayana ait olmak üzere, kiralama şirketinin gözetiminde birkaç saat boyunca bir test çalıştırması gerçekleştirin.
  • Veya kaptan değişikliği talep edin.
  • Ya da yatın marinadan çıkma iznini reddedin. Yat daha sonra kiracı tarafından yalnızca hareket limanındaki rıhtımında kullanılabilir.

Bir yatın sarhoş veya başka bir şekilde ehliyetsiz kişilere teslim edilmesi genellikle kiralama şirketi tarafından reddedilir.

3. Sigorta

Yat, her bir hasar olayı için depozito tutarı olan muafiyet fazlası ile tam kapsamlı sigorta, & euro; 3.000.0000,00. Sigorta fazlalığı kiralayan tarafından karşılanacaktır. Sigorta, gemideki kazalardan kaynaklanan kişisel yaralanmaları, kiracının mülkiyetindeki nesnelere verilen hasarı, kasıtlı veya ağır ihmalden kaynaklanan hasarı kapsamaz.

4. Kiralayan Kişi'nin özel yükümlülükleri

Kiracı, kiralama başlangıcından en geç 4 hafta önce tüm yolcuları (mürettebatı) isimlendirmelidir, tüm mürettebat üyeleri sorumlu katılımcılar olarak kabul edilir.

Kayıtlı mürettebatın kiralama başlangıcında bulunmaması veya kayıtlı mürettebat üyelerinden başka birinin gelmesi durumunda, kiralama şirketi yatın marinadan çıkışını reddetme hakkına sahiptir.

Kiracı, uygun denizcilik kurallarına uygun olarak yatı ve ekipmanı sorumlu bir şekilde kullanacaktır, özellikle kiralayan kişi:

  • geminin kalacağı veya geçeceği herhangi bir ülkenin yasal hükümlerine uyun (liman el kitabına bakın) ve ilgili yönetmeliklere göre giriş ve çıkışları temizleyin.
  • seyir defterini düzgün bir şekilde tutun ve gemide bırakın.
  • teftişleri ve gerekli bakımı dönüşümlü olarak tamamlayın.
  • güvenlik ve gece yelken düzenlemelerine özellikle dikkat ederek gece boyunca yelken açın.


  • insanların veya malların ücretli olarak taşınmasını sağlamak,
  • yatı üçüncü şahıslara bırakın.
  • Transitlog resmi beyan olmadan değiştirilmemeli, transit logdaki kişiler gemi kiralama süresi için ayarlanmalı veya orijinal transitlogda olmayan kişiler gemiye resmi olarak kaydedilmelidir.
  • Yunanistan'da yolcu almak veya Yunanistan'a yolcu almak.
  • Gemide beyan edilmemiş gümrük vergisine tabi mallar veya tehlikeli mallar taşımak.
  • gemide izin verilen maksimum kapasiteden daha fazla yolcu.
  • tekne yarışlarına veya yarışlara katılmak (daha önce açıklanmadıysa).
  • Tehlikede olmadıkları ve başka bir kurtarma yolu olmadığı sürece diğer araçları çekmek.

Kiralama süresi boyunca meydana gelen herhangi bir hasar durumunda, kiracı söz konusu hasarın derhal ve usulüne uygun olarak & euro; 200. Değiştirilen parçalar saklanacaktır. Gemide herhangi bir büyük hasar, ortalama, olası gecikme, kayıp, manevra kabiliyetinin olmaması, el konulması veya engellenmesi durumunda, kiralayan taraf derhal telefon veya telgraf mesajı ile bilgilendirilecektir. Kiracı, hasar seviyesini ve dolaylı zararları (örn. eksiklikler) azaltmak için gerekli, amaca uygun her türlü önlemi almaktan sorumludur ve varsa, kiracı, kiralama ile görüştükten sonra onarım için komisyon alacak, kayıt yapacak, denetleyecek ve avans ödemesi yapacaktır. parti.

Yatın hasar görmesi veya herhangi bir kişisel yaralanma durumunda, kiralayan kişi tutanak düzenleyecek ve destekleyici teyit alacaktır (liman kaptanı, tıp doktoru, ortalama komiser vb. tarafından). Hasar devam ederken tamir edilemiyorsa ve verilen koşullara göre bir iade haklıysa, kiracı, sonraki kiralama başlamadan önce üsde onarımın tamamlanmasına izin vermek için gemiyi kiralayan tarafla görüştükten sonra zamanından önce geri dönmekle yükümlüdür. Kiralayanın uğradığı zararlardan kendisinin sorumlu olmadığı durumlarda, yapılan harcamalar, geçerli bir makbuz ibraz edilmesi ve yatın kullanılamayacağı (hatta kısmen) kiralayan tarafından tazmin edilecektir.

5. Performans Bozulması

KİRACI, kiralamayı başlatamazsa, kiralayan tarafa derhal bilgi verecektir. İptal ücretleri aşağıdaki gibidir:
  • Charter anlaşmasının imzalanmasından kiralama süresinin başlamasından 8 hafta öncesine kadar – %40
  • çarter döneminin başlamasına 8 haftadan kısa bir süre kala – %60
  • çarter döneminin başlamasına 6 haftadan kısa bir süre kala – %80
  • çarter döneminin başlamasına 4 haftadan kısa bir süre kala – %100

Kiralayan taraf, yatı veya eşdeğer kalitede bir yedek yatı zamanında veya hiç temin edemezse, KİRACI, söz konusu eksiklik dönemi için kiralama ücretlerinde indirim talep etmekte serbesttir, veya sözleşmeden tamamen çekilmek için.

Ekipmanın herhangi bir parçasında bir önceki kiralama sırasında meydana gelen hasar veya kayıp olması ve bu parçaların zamanında değiştirilmemesi durumunda, kiracının sözleşmeden caymasına izin verilmez. Yalnızca geminin denize elverişliliği bozulur ve bu nedenle gemiyi aşağıdaki kiracıya teslim etmeyi tehlikeli hale getirirse.

Kiralayan tarafın sorumlu olmadığı zararlara ilişkin tüm talepler ve diğer tüm talepler, kiracının bu Sözleşmenin 9. paragrafı uyarınca dolaylı zararlar için tazmin edilmesiyle ilgili olarak hariç tutulacaktır.

6. Yatın teslimi

Yat, yakıtı doldurularak kiracıya teslim edilecektir. Yatın durumu, ekipmanın eksiksizliği ve envanter, devralma sırasında kiracı tarafından bir ekipman programına uygun olarak dikkatlice kontrol edilecek ve kiralayanın imzasıyla onaylanacaktır.

7. Yatın dönüşü

Kiralamanın sonunda, kiracı, yatını yakıt ikmali yapılmış ve makul derecede temiz (iç ve dış) durumda, yatın durumunu ve ekipmanın eksiksizliğini kontrol etmesine izin vererek kiralayan tarafa iade edecektir. Kaybolan, hasar gören veya çalışmayan herhangi bir ekipman, iade edildikten sonra kiracı tarafından derhal bildirilmelidir.

Gemiye dönüşte yakıt ikmali yapılmamışsa (su, mazot vb.), kiralayan, bu hizmetleri tamamlamak için yapılan harcamaları kiralayan tarafa tazmin edecektir. Bu masraflar toplam olarak tesiste ödenecektir.

Gizli herhangi bir hasar, teminatın geri ödenmesinden sonra bile kiracı tarafından tazmin edilecektir.

Ödenen teminatlar, herhangi bir hasar oluşmadığı takdirde kesinti yapılmadan geri ödenecektir. Kayıp veya hasar durumunda, derhal muhasebe mümkün olmadıkça, bu tür kayıp veya hasarın kapsamının gerektirdiği şekilde, güvenlik teminatı tamamen veya kısmen, yapılan masrafların nihai muhasebesi belirlenene kadar tutulacaktır.

8. Uzatma, Gecikme ve İade

Yatın check-out işlemi, planlanan saatte dönüş limanında tamamlanmalıdır. Kiralayan tarafın onayı olmadan kiralama süresi uzatılamaz. Hava koşullarından kaynaklanan zorluklar, yatın zamanında iade edilmesi zorunluluğunu etkilemeyecektir. Bu nedenle, kiracı, kiralama süresinin bitiminden önceki son 24 saat içinde yatı dönüş limanına yeterince yakın bir mesafede tutmakla yükümlüdür.

Herhangi bir gecikme durumunda, zaman aşımına ilişkin kiralama ücreti, sözleşmeye bağlı bir ceza ihlali olarak iki katına çıkarılacaktır.

Kiralama şirketi, geri dönüşteki gecikme hakkında derhal bilgilendirilmezse, yatın sözleşmeye bağlı dönüş tarihi ve saatinden itibaren 16 saat içinde, ilgili makamlara otomatik olarak resmi bir rapor sunacaktır.

Turun öngörülen limandan farklı bir yerde sonlandırılması gerekiyorsa, kiralama yapan taraf derhal bilgilendirilecektir. Kiracı, kiralayan taraf yatın mülkiyetini geri alabilene kadar, yatın gözetimi için yeterli kalifiye bir mürettebatı yatta bırakmayı taahhüt eder. Sözleşmenin sözleşmeden doğan yükümlülükleri, bu tür bir devralma işleminden önce sona ermeyecektir.

9. Kiralayanın ve Kiralayan Tarafın Sorumluluğu

Bir kiralama sözleşmesi imzalayan her iki taraf da kendi kusurlarından sorumlu olacaktır. Ayrıca, kiracı kasten veya ağır ihmalle hareket etmedikçe veya sigortacı teminat sağlamayı reddetmedikçe, yalnızca 5. paragrafta kapsanan sigorta teminat tutarının alıkonmasından sorumlu olacaktır, dolayısıyla dolaylı zararlar veya benzerlerinden sorumlu olmayacaktır. kiralayanın sorumlu olduğunu belirterek sunacakları nedenlerle.

Kiralama şirketinin ağır ihmal veya kötü niyetten sorumlu olmaması durumunda, kiracının tazminat talepleri, kararlaştırılan kiralama ücretinin miktarı ile sınırlıdır. Kiralama şirketi cana, vücuda, sağlığa veya kişisel eşyalara gelebilecek zararlardan sorumlu değildir. Gemiyi kiralayan, kaptan ve mürettebat üyeleri, derin deniz yolculuğunun kabul edilen ve ilişkili tehlikeleri ve riskleri olduğundan, bu risklerden yalnızca kendileri sorumludur.

10. Yargı yetkisi – Çeşitli

Tüm charter sözleşmeleri Türkiye Cumhuriyeti kanunlarına tabi olacaktır. Yargı yeri, yasal olarak izin verilen ölçüde Marmaris olacaktır.

Bunun herhangi bir hükmünün geçersiz veya etkisiz olması durumunda, burada kalan bölümlerin geçerliliği etkilenmeyecektir.

GMM Yachting

Seyir Alanı

Seyir alanı, bir haftalık kiralamalarda ana üs koordinatlarından 70 deniz mili yarıçap ile sınırlıdır.

İptal Ücretleri

Charter için kalan süre İptal Ücreti
≥ 56 gün 40 %
56 ≥ 42 gün 60 %
42 ≥ 28 gün 80 %
28 ≥ 0 gün 100 %

Yolcu Listesi Bilgileri

Charter başlamadan 30 gün önce, charter yolcusu doğru bir yolcu listesi göndermelidir.

Ek Özellikler gerekiyorsa

Eğer charter yolcusu transfer talep ettiyse (örneğin havaalanından), iniş ve kalkış bilgilerini, charter başlamadan 30 gün önce detaylı bir şekilde göndermesi gerekir

Transfer Listesi Bilgileri gerekiyorsa

Charter'ın ilk gününden 30 gün önce, tüm detaylar iki taraf arasında yazılı olarak onaylanmış olmalıdır.

Security Deposit Ödemesi

  • Kredi Kartı


GMM Yachting

Oskar · Eylül 2022

We had a lot of complications due to…

We had a lot of complications due to covid, but so far gotosailing support have been very helpful and made a great effort to help us out.


Peter K. · Ağustos 2022

only good experiences

I had a charter for the first time ever and had only good experiences with Gotosailing. They were very helpful even with questions that went beyond the actual topic, e.g. parking possibilities for car, insurance... Especially without any experience in the field of yacht charter, it was very reassuring to always be able to ask someone. Clear recommendation!


Oznur A. · Ağustos 2022

Perfect job thanks for everything

Perfect job thanks for everything


Tom L. · Ağustos 2022

Thanks for the help

Had a hard time finding a boat, the online chat was very efficient, Dave guided me through the site, sent me a proposal right away. We got a very good deal, thank you.


Kevin D. · Temmuz 2022

Great service

Fast response, very responsive client service team. Asked many questions, Fleur always answered with patience. Made a few changes along the way. Looking forward to our journey.


Max P. · Haziran 2022

Easy as booking a hotel room

Very good customer service, very good site. Surprisingly, they only show the available boats to you. Thank you for helping us finding a great boat for our holiday. Will definitely come back!


PG Morcott · Mayıs 2022

This is our return to Gocek from 2019…

This is our return to Gocek from 2019 and the response to our email for a reservation was really helpful and booking straightforward. Pricing and payment details are clear and easy. Last time the shore crew were great and the boat was immaculately cleaned and fully prepared for us with a detailed handover before departure. The only glitch which is worth remembering was the queue for the fuel berth when returning. This may have changed so we’ll see and ask about it before we leave and plan our return accordingly. Very happy to be back with Goto Sailing.


RH GranCanaria · Mayıs 2022

GotoSailing has the best presales…

GotoSailing has the best presales customer support I've ever seen at any website. Within seconds of asking a question on the popup chat, on a weekend, I got a real person who handled several questions from me over the next half-hour. He could see everything I had filled out on the website, so we didn't waste time on the facts. The next day, I chatted with more questions. The customer service rep was a different person but she knew everything about my case including promises that they had made to chase down some photos. The website presents a lot of information about every boat in an orderly way. Excellent. What remains is the actual charter experience. Hoping it goes as well as the booking process did.


Chris P. · Şubat 2020

Top notch broker!

Very attentive to other people's expiring options, in what is a very busy, fluid market place. I got the boat I wanted and the reactivity on all my questions was excellent. 5* :-)


Koen G. · Şubat 2020

Very user-friendly website

Very user-friendly website, excellent support during the process of making the reservation, online support via chat to answer all my questions about the yachts. The sailing yacht that we rented in Gocek (EGG Yachting) was in excellent conditions.


Denis V. · Şubat 2020


Great site, customer representatives are very kind and professional. I would recommend Gotosailing to anyone.


Miguel S. · Şubat 2020

Very competitive market with good…

Very competitive market with good operators. With gotosailing it is our first time. We are sailing Mediterranean since 2010.Thank you.


Karl K. · Şubat 2020

5 star

Excellent and fast service.


Wolfgang B. · Ocak 2020

Booked three boats

I met the Gotosailing team at Boot Düsseldorf, very nice people, know the business well. Booked three boats for this summer for our club.


Andy K. · Ocak 2020

Good prices

Straightforward booking with accurate information and good prices.


Ahmet U. · Ocak 2020

Easy booking..

Very easy booking, good customer service


Martin Y. · Ocak 2020

Changes made easily

I booked the boat online but needed to change the dates for my reservation, Dave went the extra mile to help me. Great service!


Lucas O. · Ocak 2020

Helpful customer service

Found a boat in Greece but the boat was optioned for another customer. Ada followed the option and as soon as it was released, she held it for us. We booked and paid with paypal.


Gerhard S. · Aralık 2019

Yacht in very good condition, friendly people, great location


Wolfgang W. · Aralık 2019

Очень хорошая лодка, очень хорошо оборудованная с верхней функции безопасности. Удобный 8-местный выход, несмотря на слегка неспокойное море. Отличный прием и брифинг перед отъездом.


Derman S. · Aralık 2019

C'était notre première sortie en mer après obtention du permis. Bateau très maniable et confortable pour 4 personnes. A recommander sans hésiter.


Jürgen H. · Aralık 2019

Großartiger Tag, sehr freundlicher und zuvorkommender Besitzer!


Christel B. · Aralık 2019

Servizio fantastico


Dan F. · Aralık 2019

Ottima esperienza di prenotazione, personale molto cordiale


Zahi W. · Aralık 2019

Super journee....merci a Jason. Tres bon bateau, conforme a l'annonce. Je recommande !


Marc P. · Aralık 2019

Schnell und effizient


Daniel B. · Aralık 2019

Our boat (Bavaria Cruiser 51) was in great condition, only a few normal wear and tear issues. The sailing experience was perfect.


Andrea Z. · Aralık 2019

Es war sehr einfach zu buchen. Einfach und unkompliziert.


Staszek G. · Aralık 2019

Очень хорошее внимание, быстрая реакция со стороны отдела обслуживания клиентов, простой в использовании веб-сайт


Ulrike K. · Aralık 2019

Tolle Buchungserfahrung, sehr freundliches Personal


Bernd B. · Aralık 2019

Rapide et efficace


Jochen P. · Aralık 2019

Отличный опыт бронирования, очень дружелюбный персонал


Hans-Gerd K. · Aralık 2019

Toller Service und schnelle Antworten


Emily S. · Aralık 2019

Il était très facile de réserver. Simple et direct.


Jozef I. · Aralık 2019

Rápido y eficiente


Jussi L. · Aralık 2019

Bardzo dobra uwaga, szybka reakcja działu obsługi klienta, łatwa w obsłudze strona internetowa


William C. · Aralık 2019

Website booking page keeps asking to…

Website booking page keeps asking to change password, a little confusing, otherwise the chat support was superb


Sergei H. · Aralık 2019

Very nice site, easy to search


Julius U. · Aralık 2019

Our skipper was great, we want to especially thank Dimitris. He knew all about the small bays, beautiful spots and he took us to great very economic restaurants


Ortwin V. · Aralık 2019

Goede service en snelle antwoorden


Frank M. · Aralık 2019

Fue muy fácil de reservar. Sencillo y directo.


Hans F. · Aralık 2019

Rápido e eficiente


Jürgen T. · Aralık 2019

Great vacation, beautiful places and excellent skipper


Duncan J. · Aralık 2019

Zeer goede aandacht, snelle reactie van de afdeling klantenservice, eenvoudig te gebruiken website


Daniel C. · Aralık 2019

Island hopping in Split was a great experience. There were many places to swim, eat and just relax. The wind was also perfect for sailing.


Staffan D. · Aralık 2019



Nico D. · Aralık 2019

Veloce ed efficiente


Anne S. · Aralık 2019

Foi muito fácil de reservar. Simples e direto.


Guy S. · Aralık 2019

Easy to deal with. Smooth


Jonathan D. · Aralık 2019

Everything was great


Nicole M. · Aralık 2019

Ottima attenzione, risposta rapida da parte del servizio clienti, sito web facile da usare


Pascal C. · Aralık 2019

Grande serviço e respostas rápidas


Harry I. · Aralık 2019

Very nice marina, helpful and friendly personnel. Gave us lots of tips and recommendations.


Gisela T. · Aralık 2019

È stato molto facile prenotare. Semplice e diretto.


Ian F. · Aralık 2019

Good service

Good service


Ulrich T. · Aralık 2019

Super professional


Axel L. · Aralık 2019

We enjoyed each minute of our time on the boat, definitely coming back


Jochen W. · Aralık 2019

Grande giornata, proprietario molto cordiale e accomodante!


Matteo G. · Aralık 2019

Un service de qualité et des réponses rapides


Silvio H. · Aralık 2019

Muito boa atenção, resposta rápida do departamento de atendimento ao cliente, site fácil de usar.


Yury H. · Aralık 2019

Excellent service


Veronika L. · Aralık 2019

Excellent experience with Gotosailing platform, sailing was perfect, the charter operator was very professional


Laura C. · Aralık 2019

We had some strong wind and the boat was in very good condition and kept us stable. Having a second chartplotter outside was great. While we had some rough sea, we enjoyed sailing a lot.


Sunisa S. · Aralık 2019

Geweldige dag, zeer vriendelijke en gastvrije eigenaar!


Rolf T. · Aralık 2019

Great service and fast answers


Willi C. · Aralık 2019

Very professional


George P. · Kasım 2019

Impressive service

I was very impressed with the customer services, Dave was very patient, answered all my questions and helped me find a very good boat. The booking process was smooth and I highly appreciate the group payment; no more collecting money from friends, everyone paid their share.


Maria C. · Kasım 2019

Het was heel gemakkelijk te boeken. Eenvoudig en ongecompliceerd.


Tobias B. · Kasım 2019

Professional and quick service


Mercedes L. · Kasım 2019

Wspaniały dzień, bardzo przyjazny i przyjazny właściciel!


Alex L. · Kasım 2019

Po prostu wspaniale!


Peter S. · Kasım 2019

Snel en efficiënt


Olivier R. · Kasım 2019

Muy buena atención, rápida respuesta del departamento de atención al cliente, sitio web fácil de usar


Luc P. · Kasım 2019

Despite the boat's age, it was in good condition, there were some minor faults and one major, out of the 3 toilets, one did not work well. 5 guys, 2 toilets! Overall, we had a very good sailing experience.


Thomas J. · Kasım 2019

Excellent service, very knowledgeable operator, great bays, boat in perfect shape.


Jana H. · Kasım 2019

Boat was in very good condition and very clean. The handover was very thorough


Gilad J. · Kasım 2019

To było bardzo łatwe do zarezerwowania. Proste i proste.


Camilla P. · Kasım 2019

Très bonne attention, réponse rapide du service clientèle, site web facile à utiliser


Miles &. · Kasım 2019

Thank you, everything was very good


Oliver S. · Kasım 2019

Very good deals, easy booking


Alexander W. · Kasım 2019

Very pleasant and efficent dealing with Fleur, very good agent


Thomas S. · Kasım 2019

Fantastic customer service


Alex D. · Kasım 2019

Highly recommended

Highly recommended, great prices, very good site


Christophe G. · Kasım 2019

Szybko i sprawnie


Martin R. · Kasım 2019

Sehr gute Aufmerksamkeit, schnelle Reaktion der Kundendienstabteilung, einfach zu bedienende Website


Christian C. · Kasım 2019

Jason was very attentive to our questions and concerns, very knowledgeable


Vasily P. · Kasım 2019

Это было очень легко забронировать. Просто и прямо.


Manfred K. · Kasım 2019

Helpful and prompt


Galina I. · Kasım 2019

The yacht was perfect

The yacht was perfect and all difficulties were solved at once (We had some misunderstanding around the transfer from airport). Thank you very much for your kind assistance! I would also like to thank GotoSailing managers for their assistance. There are some problems with the sight (may be because of my using tablet instead of PC). I filled the transfer form, but only second part was saved.. and I did not check it. But everything was solved after and we enjoyed our trip!


Lukasz K. · Kasım 2019

Great boat, perfect destination.


David M. · Kasım 2019

The boat we booked, Hanse 548, was in excellent condition, the staff was very friendly.


Ilse R. · Kasım 2019

Быстро и эффективно


Volker B. · Kasım 2019

Just great!


Remco G. · Kasım 2019

So far so good


Werner T. · Kasım 2019

Excellent customer service


Peter J. · Kasım 2019

Good job!


Matthias B. · Kasım 2019

An easy start to the pleasure

Simple search ! Good price !


Gerhard E. · Kasım 2019



Geneviève F. · Ekim 2019

Super belle journée


Stefan W. · Ekim 2019

Nice boat and competent crew


Amanda S. · Ekim 2019

Great experience

Asked for a brand new catamaran in Cyclades, found it in minutes and booked with ease.


Erwan B. · Ekim 2019

The operator provided us with great tips on for mooring, bays to avoid and restaurant recommendations. Check-in was OK, it could have been a bit faster.


Hans B. · Ekim 2019

All booking process was super easy, Dave got us exactly what we wanted


Igor K. · Ekim 2019

Friendly personnel, great boat, beautiful sailing area with great food. Very beautiful marina, almost dream-like, D-marin Göcek is the best


Vince D. · Ekim 2019

Van harte aanbevolen

Ik zeil meer dan 20 jaar, maar het was mijn eerste keer dat ik een boot online charterde. We hadden een geweldige week in Mykonos. Alles was in orde zoals geboekt. Ik heb al een andere boot geboekt in Spanje voor volgende zomer. Van harte aanbevolen.


Vesa W. · Ekim 2019

Easy and efficent platform


Tobias L. · Ekim 2019

The booking was very smooth and easy. Looking forward to our trip in July


Moira F. · Ekim 2019

Best company ever!

Gotosailing excellent company and held our hands through the whole process. Loved our experience. Met another lovely couple which enhanced the experience. Would highly recommend. We are a couple in our 60’s and were concerned we would not be fit enough to go sailing. How funny, it was the most relaxing beautiful trip of our lives. Best company ever. Loved our host David who advised on our trip. I will be grateful to him forever for the best trip of my life. Thank you. Enjoy.


Sergey B. · Ekim 2019

Everything was as expected and planned, no surprises. Love a vacation without any surprises


Tanya L. · Ekim 2019

Quick and professional customer service


Dieter C. · Ekim 2019

We rented a Bali 4.5 catamaran, what a wonderful experience. Our kids loved it, we loved it. Happy kids, relaxed holiday


Schmoll · Ekim 2019

Very professionell and friendly operation

After 1. contact very professionell and friendly Operation , Ada is Really great


Jyrki B. · Ekim 2019

Nice web site


Ville T. · Ekim 2019

Well done!


George V. · Ekim 2019

Great boat, Oceanis 51.1, and an unforgettable sailing week


Dmitry M. · Ekim 2019

It was our first time in Cyclades, the operator was very helpful. Helped us with a great itinerary. Highly recommended…


Adriane B. · Ekim 2019

Professional Service

We made a lot of search and finally found the best deal and very professional service here. Our skipper was also super helpful and gave lots of suggestions. Thank you guys!


Timo G. · Ekim 2019

Well kept boat, decent pricing relative to its age, very good sailing experience


Moshe W. · Ekim 2019

Fast and professional support


Mona S. · Ekim 2019

Perfect service

Hervorragende Buchungsabwicklung mit Gotosailing. Toller Service, David hat uns geholfen, das perfekte Boot zu finden, gab uns Tipps für die besten Anlegestellen in Split und war immer für uns da, um all unsere Fragen zu beantworten. Ich kann Gotosailing wärmstens weiterempfehlen


Roberto D. · Ekim 2019

Quick response

We asked for a boat on Friday and we were sailing on Saturday. The yacht was better than we expected. Thank you for making it all possible at such short notice


Celine S. · Ekim 2019

Best moments of our summer

Dear, thank you for making our sailing holiday so magnificent. This was our first time on a boat and it was way too easier than we thought to arrange every detail. Our 3 kids were too happy since the moment they saw our boat. They didn't even want to go back home :) We are looking forward for next summer! Thanks for everything.


Klaus O. · Ekim 2019

Very organized charter operator, smooth check-in, boat in very good condition, great recommendations for the area


Hans M. · Ekim 2019

Au top :-) MERCI !!


Lucas R. · Ekim 2019

Excellent Service

Excellent service from Ada. Always on time responses. Very knowledgeable about sailing. Informing website with boat and operator names and transparent about prices. What you see is what you pay. Good choice for renting a boat in Greece.


Tulloch D. · Ekim 2019

Top-notch service


Carl S. · Eylül 2019



Sara H. · Eylül 2019

Great service, quick response, professional staff


Vincent B. · Eylül 2019

Helpful and quick responses


Thomas W. · Eylül 2019

We've had a great time and we recommend Gotosailing to anyone


Antoine B. · Eylül 2019

Had a very nice welcome at the marina, snacks and drinks made the waiting easy. We loved our boat, it was in perfect condition and the sheets and the towels were super soft.


Benno Z. · Eylül 2019

Best boat I ever had

Everything was fine, very kind customer service. Water tank a little bit too small for a 7 people crew, solar panel not efficient. Everything else was on top. Best boat I ever had since.


Inge W. · Eylül 2019

Charter operator was very organized and check-in was very fast. Boat was clean and all equipment worked perfectly.


Uve N. · Eylül 2019



Iurii W. · Eylül 2019

Very good price/quality ratio.


Tony Ç. · Eylül 2019

Great value for money


Winfried S. · Eylül 2019

5 stars


Frédéric &. · Eylül 2019

Easy to book


Dirk R. · Eylül 2019

We loved the Ionian islands. Ideal sailing destination


Bob E. · Eylül 2019

Our skipper went above and beyond to make sure we had a good sailing experience. Amazing scenery, bays in Fethiye are fantastic


John G. · Eylül 2019

Dave patiently found us a great boat after we declined several options, he was very kind. The booking process was a breeze


Orest B. · Eylül 2019

Excellent and prompt communication!

Excellent and prompt communication! Appreciate the patience with our various requests for information about the boat, itinerary and charter operator. The charter operator at ACI Split Marina, Euromarine, was very responsive prior to the trip. If you have chartered before and are a reasonably experienced skipper you should be fine, but don’t expect a formal briefing and thorough pre-inspection like with a Sunsail/Moorings. That said, the boat was immaculately clean and everything worked as advertised. Two minor issues: the boat Tanpopo I is listed as a 2019 model, it’s a 2018. There was a lack of communication and urgency from the receptionists in the Euromarine office in informing us when our boat would be ready at pick up. Our boat returned with a broken window from the previous charterer which appeared to be promptly fixed. There was a disconnect between the dock workers and receptionists who never called us as promised to tell us the boat was ready. Stopping in every hour to ask was fruitless. Finally, we just loaded up the boat and found a worker to do the check out, getting out of the marina late at 6 PM.


Fabrizio D. · Eylül 2019

ottimo servizio clienti

ottimo servizio clienti. ottimi prezzi. Ada è molto disponibile. Altamente raccomandato


Paul S. · Ağustos 2019

Had a great week sailing in the Adriatic, wonderful bays, excellent food


Robert G. · Ağustos 2019

All great


Fritz R. · Ağustos 2019

We booked a catamaran from Lefkas. It was very luxurious and spacious, great for families with small children.


Vladimir S. · Ağustos 2019



Claudius M. · Ağustos 2019

Boat was excellent condition and on the third day, we had a minor breakdown and the base manager was very helpful and talked us through the problem. Highlyrecommended


Wolfgang Z. · Ağustos 2019

Great effort for finding the right boat, easy booking


Levent R. · Ağustos 2019

Did not want to come back! Perfect vacation


Svante R. · Ağustos 2019

Gentle and fast service


Gemma S. · Ağustos 2019

Everythink ok!!


Benny W. · Ağustos 2019

Great service and follow-up. They just don't forget you like others after your booking. Got the answers to my question before and after the booking.


Julieta A. · Ağustos 2019

Excellent boat and captain

We had the best time in Split, the boat was in excellent condition, our captain was great. Thank you Gotosailing team for hooking us up with this captain and the boat.


Samantha C. · Ağustos 2019

Gotosailing was great but didn't translate on the the ground/water

The service from Gotosailing was great but sadly didn't translate onto the ground/water at the beginning of our holiday. The charter company did not cover themselves in glory when we first arrived. They had not got our snorkelling kit, or our SUPs ready and although we were told we could pay for the insurance by credit card, we couldn't and they were very reticent to give us a receipt of the money received. Later in the week when we went back into port they were more efficient. Also I would expect to be able to do an online shop before getting there so not having to spend 2 hours in the sweltering heat shopping for basic supplies. Doing a small shop would be acceptable. The food list that was sent over to us was not extensive at all.


Wolfgang T. · Ağustos 2019

Immediate reaction from customer service, very attentive


Mäntylä K. · Ağustos 2019

All hidden costs are revealed on the site directly, very helpful in planning on a tight budget


Wallace H. · Ağustos 2019

Booking was very easy, customer support was excellent, very professional


Pleun W. · Ağustos 2019

Local knowledge provided by the operator was perfect, we were able to steer away from the crowded marinas and restaurants.


Peter A. · Ağustos 2019

Booking process was fast and easy


Justin K. · Ağustos 2019

Dave was incredibly helpful, answered all of our questions, held the boat for us while we got the group together


Walter B. · Ağustos 2019

5 star service


Adam B. · Ağustos 2019

Very rapid and detailed communication, answered our questions and booked a great Oceanis 48 S/Y


John O. · Ağustos 2019

Asked for a boat in the Dalmatian coast, got an offer in less than 30 minutes, booked the boat right away, now waiting for the journey


Alexander E. · Temmuz 2019

We had to “test” everything onboard

- echosounder unit wasn’t connected so we had to do it ourselves after 2 days when we finally figured out the error (owners told us it was working the day before which was BS since the cable wasn’t connected) - bow (jet) thruster stopped working already the first day and couldn’t be repaired although we rerouted our trip to meet up with maintenance staff - no electrical fans nor solar panels were installed although it was part of the inventory list at the time of booking - the boat didn’t have any gangway and we were promised to get one after one day (but we didn’t) - the boat was equipped with a wrong water supply setup which made the refilling of water a nightmare - the dinghy was left with 1-2l of fuel and the dinghy itself could barely take two people onboard All in all, we were the first group to charter the boat since delivery and we had the unfortunate situation to “test” everything onboard


Mäntylä S. · Temmuz 2019

Pleasant and professional advice


Herrmann K. · Temmuz 2019

Nice boat, nice crew


Heikki B. · Temmuz 2019

Check in process was quick and professional. Boat was in good condition and well maintained. Had a great week with lots of swimming and sailing


Friedrich A. · Temmuz 2019

Responsive customer service


Robin B. · Temmuz 2019

I couldn't recommend GotoSailing highly enough.

I hired a 37 ft Bavaria 2006 In Split in the second week of July 2019. The boat was a great price which was a bit of a worry from a company I had never dealt with before but I needn't have worried - see below. I had many dealings with Fleur and Dave of the office who were excellent. I dealt mostly with Fleur who was prompt and very supportive. I had a few problems before I arrived which meant a lot of correspondence with Fleur. My flight got in at 1am so the taxi service had to wait for me - No problem! I had problems in delay in getting my ICC Cert renewed before departure which meant i would to have hired a local skipper at Euro 1000 - GotoSailing offered to pay a significant portion so I could enjoy my holiday. I was very appreciative of their offer. In any event, my Cert arrived in time so didn't need a skipper.The Base Office manager Kristina was very helpful - West Cork is the place to go on holidays Kristina! The Base Manager Nicolai was brilliant. I rang him a few times over the week and he was patient and offered lots of additional local knowledge advice re anchoring spots etc. The Boat was not a new one but in great condition. Everything worked and was spotlessly clean. The engine was very well maintained and the sails as good as new. The only 2 areas of possible improvement might be the size of the dinghy (2 large adults and 2 chunky teenagers made for interesting transfers from anchor at night in windy conditions) and the electronic chart plotter was not fixed close to the wheel which having to go below but maybe Im spoilt as my own 36 footer has that facility with a bigger dinghy! I couldn't recommend Goto sailing highly enough. They really wanted me to have a good time and went the extra mile, particularly offering to pay costs on what was a low profit week for them with their original excellent offer. Great value for money, great customer service and they are my operator of choice next year. Robin Bradley Dublin Ireland... on facebook


Volker U. · Temmuz 2019

Highly competent and helpful staff


Phil v. · Temmuz 2019



Andrey G. · Temmuz 2019

Very fast response and friendly people.


Philippe V. · Temmuz 2019

Very easy communication with Gotosailing people, very helpful. Our charter was perfect, the operator went the extra mile to help us with our groceries, itinerary and recommendations.


Andrew M. · Temmuz 2019

Can't beat the Greek Islands!

We sailed with friends who had a larger boat from another company and our boat was better equipped and more functional in so many ways. Having solar power was a godsend, allowing us to charge the fridge/etc. all day and keep the important refreshments ready to share with our friends. Chartering team was very helpful and quick to check us in all clear. Can't beat the Greek Islands so hope to go again soon! The only confusion when trying to book was a map of the area relative to our friends. Otherwise all good.


Felix N. · Temmuz 2019

We rented a boat starting in Paros, Cyclades. The boat was in very good condition, but, please keep in mind that the winds, so called Meltemi, are very strong in that region; the distances between the islands are far. Be ready for some serious sailing


Christof K. · Temmuz 2019

We had an excellent sailing week around the Cyclades islands, lovely weather, historical sites and great bays


Alexandr P. · Temmuz 2019

Nice sailing area, beautiful bays, Split is amazing. It is our favorite sailing destination. Boat was OK, the operator was very nice, kept us in the shade with lemonade during checkin.


Colin B. · Temmuz 2019

Best charter experience I have had so far


Virpi B. · Temmuz 2019

Very simple booking process


Ian K. · Haziran 2019

Excellent boat and customer service


Thomas A. · Haziran 2019

Excellent service from Fleur


François-Xavier W. · Haziran 2019

Very professional and prompt service


Reiner M. · Haziran 2019

Amazing sailing holiday made possible by team, many thanks


Judith S. · Haziran 2019

Minimum steps to book a boat, all information clearly stated, easy to choose additional equipment


Norman B. · Haziran 2019

Fast and efficient


Kurt v. · Haziran 2019

We loved sailing the Greek Dodecanese islands, absolutely gorgeous.


Wolfram U. · Haziran 2019

Very good and professional approach


Pierre L. · Haziran 2019

Very supportive company

We had a minor accident on the boat, and informed the boat owner and 5 minutes later Gotosailing people called us, it was a Sunday! Thank you for looking out for your customers.


Max W. · Haziran 2019

Each year, we got to a different location for sailing but we loved Göcek so much that we made an exception and already booked the same boat for next year


Thomas P. · Haziran 2019

Outboard on our dinghy stopped working the first day, the operator sent someone to fix it, we were impressed. We had a fantastic time, the boat was OK, we loved Palma de Mallorca


Dmytro &. · Haziran 2019

Truly helpful and knowledgeable customer agent, a great thanks to Jason


Wulf S. · Haziran 2019

Excellent and efficent personnel


Yoav M. · Haziran 2019

Prompt responses, very patient


Wilfrid U. · Haziran 2019

Impressed with the level of service, got timely answers to all my questions


Peter G. · Mayıs 2019

Minor technical problems, handled by the operator in a timely manner, we lost half a day but they let us have a late check-out


Alexander P. · Mayıs 2019

Super friendly, nice people at the base. Had a fantastic time


Joëlle S. · Mayıs 2019

We were late this year for early bird advantages, nevertheless, Fleur found us a very good boat for a reasonable price.


Frank B. · Mayıs 2019

Professional and friendly service

Professional and friendly service


Walter F. · Mayıs 2019

Very responsive staff


David J. · Mayıs 2019

Very friendly and helpful staff. Gave us good tips for our trip.


Manfred a. · Mayıs 2019

We sailed the Amalfi coast in a beautiful yacht, amazing scenery, beautiful sea and wonderful food. Definitely coming back!


Steve B. · Mayıs 2019

Very good boat and service level


Catherine B. · Mayıs 2019

Jason was exceptionally knowledgeable about sailing, even recommended us great restaurants in the Göcek bay


Rail K. · Mayıs 2019

Five stars and beyond, excellent service, wonderful boat, journey of a lifetime


Winfried L. · Mayıs 2019

Very good customer service


Holger H. · Mayıs 2019

The whole booking process was seamless, Ada was very attentive


Michael F. · Mayıs 2019

Dave is very collaborative and kind, helped me with the booking process, made very good recommendations


Isaac W. · Mayıs 2019

Everything was excellent


Klaus S. · Mayıs 2019

Perfect sailing


Hans-Joachim K. · Mayıs 2019

Friendly operator, good boat despite the age, beautiful sailing area, we fell in love with Split!


Billy P. · Nisan 2019

Boat maintenance was OK, the sailing experience was just perfect. Overall 4 stars from me


Giorgio P. · Nisan 2019

The booking process was very smooth, group payment saved me from collecting money from friends. The trip was wonderful, we had a blast


Hans U. · Nisan 2019

Such an amazing area, we fell in love with Split. Definitely coming back. Wonderful team!


Nick &. · Nisan 2019

Amazing service


Ronan R. · Nisan 2019

Booking process was fast and easy, very nice website


Mark B. · Nisan 2019

Professional service


Adrian S. · Nisan 2019

Great booking experience, very friendly staff


Ulrich H. · Mart 2019

Would definitely charter again with this operator, staff is exceptional and knowledgeable


Stephanie D. · Mart 2019

Professional site


Klas R. · Mart 2019

Wonderful crew, extremely helpful. We sailed, swam, had a great week.


Vitaliy K. · Mart 2019

Fantastic service


Oliver &. · Mart 2019

Easy booking through, group payment is great.


Henry G. · Mart 2019

Very comfortable, brand new and clean catamaran, our skipper was great, the cook was awesome. We all gained 5 pounds each!


Alexander R. · Mart 2019

Local guides were missing on the boat, glad we bought wifi. Wonderful weather, great bays


Olexiy A. · Mart 2019

Finding a berth in Croatia could be a headache, make plans ahead! Other than that, everything went well


Daniel F. · Şubat 2019

Easy website and very good customer service


Werner A. · Şubat 2019

Awesome experience


Alfred A. · Şubat 2019

We chartered a cabin and were quite hesitant. We made great friends on the yacht, our captain was great. Thank you


Lauri F. · Şubat 2019

Checked several booking sites, found the best deal here, did not expect too much but the customer service was excellent, thanks.


Robert S. · Şubat 2019

Fast response, good offer and very easy booking process


Vesa H. · Şubat 2019

We were extremely satisfied with the yacht and the operator and we can highly recommend both of them.


Gerald M. · Şubat 2019

Solid boat, easy to navigate, everything in place.


Denise H. · Şubat 2019

Great sailing experience in Ionian islands. Professional and helpful charter operator


Jürgen B. · Şubat 2019

Very good service


Joan . · Şubat 2019

Good value for money, we were hesitant first when the boat was very cheap, but it ended up being a very good bargain, thank you Gotosailing


Tarja M. · Şubat 2019

Truly amazing experience. We had the time of our lives, the sailboat was well-equipped, the weather was in favor of us.


Mehmet M. · Şubat 2019

Jason was very helpful with our booking


Jutta D. · Şubat 2019

Very good assistance by Fleur. Very professional


Matthias W. · Ocak 2019

Able to book with minimum hassle, well-organized website


Urs K. · Ocak 2019



Andreas v. · Ocak 2019

Exceeded our expectations!


Selmin M. · Ocak 2019

Fantastic people, fantastic boat


Sascha W. · Ocak 2019

Excellent support and service provided by GotoSailing team. It was our first time sailing in Europe. We took a 2-week trip in Greece and we loved their recommendations.


Muriel F. · Ocak 2019

The boat seemed in good condition but the AC stopped working in the middle of our week. There was no way to fix it. There was one particular night we just couldn't sleep. Other than that, everything was fine.


Simon F. · Ocak 2019

Great selection of boats, very convenient with all the information


Maxim R. · Ocak 2019


Gianfranco E. · Ocak 2019

Bonne opération...


Irene P. · Ocak 2019

Excellent service, Fleur found us a very good boat within our budget


Jean M. · Ocak 2019

Had a problem with credit card payment, they immediately contacted me saying that they are holding the boat for me while I sorted out with my bank.


Wolfgang V. · Ocak 2019

Highly impressed with the level of service, easy to navigate web site, loved the articles


Graham O. · Ocak 2019

Great deals, great boat selection


Rudolf D. · Ocak 2019

Very helpful on finding the right boat and helping me through the booking process


Ann D. · Ocak 2019

A friend recommended we go to Göcek for late October sailing. He was right on! Excellent weather, warm and translucent sea


Artem S. · Ocak 2019

The boat was ready earlier than expected, we set sail before it was 2pm. The crew was excellent, our captain was simply the best.


Richard N. · Ocak 2019

All perfect, definitely recommend to anyone


Vasilii T. · Ocak 2019

Attentive and kind customer service staff, helped us find the perfect yacht


Gennady B. · Ocak 2019

Super bateau!


Vlad S. · Ocak 2019

Excellent service, got replies fast, booking was easy.