Destinos > Croácia > Konoba Quattro

Konoba Quattro

At the end of the 3 concrete piers, which belong to the restaurant, the water is about 3.2 metres deep ...


At the end of the 3 concrete piers, which belong to the restaurant, the water is about 3.2 metres deep. There are 2 moorings on each pier. In the middle of the jetties it is about 2 metres deep, the boats tying up alongside. In the high-ceilinged, airy restaurant area not only grilled fish and meat are served, but Brudet, goulash and, if ordered in advance, Pekas with fish, meat or octopus (preparation time about 2 hrs). Breakfast is on offer in the mornings. The proprietor speaks German, English and Italian. He & his family own the 200m high hill behind the restaurant, which has a 1.5 km pathway on it. Daily from 08:00 to 23:00, from Easter until mid-October.


N43°49'12,36" E15°17'6,36"

Em cooperação com a Bayexpress


Por mais de 10 anos, o Bayexpress tem sido um guia confiável para marinheiros na Turquia, nas ilhas gregas orientais do Dodecaneso ou na Croácia. Na nova versão do aplicativo para a costa croata, além dos restaurantes mais interessantes ao longo da costa e nas ilhas, pela primeira vez os campos de bóias da Croácia estão marcados no mapa, todos os terminais de balsas e postos de gasolina.

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