Destinos > Turqia > Antália


Although Antalya turned into a metropolis, the old town still keeps the old charm...


The small city harbour of Kaleiçi is one of the reasons to visit Antalya by yacht. It is only 500m (bee-line) from here to the Hadrian's Gate at the other side of Kaleiçi. Between the harbour and the gate you can walk through the largely car-free old town with many well-preserved and restored buildings. However, berth reservation is a must (+90-242 248 45 30), as the harbour is used by lots of excursion boats. Apart from here, you can also tie up to the Setur Marina.

N36°49'59,16" E30°36'21,6"

Em cooperação com a Bayexpress


Por mais de 10 anos, o Bayexpress tem sido um guia confiável para marinheiros na Turquia, nas ilhas gregas orientais do Dodecaneso ou na Croácia. Na nova versão do aplicativo para a costa croata, além dos restaurantes mais interessantes ao longo da costa e nas ilhas, pela primeira vez os campos de bóias da Croácia estão marcados no mapa, todos os terminais de balsas e postos de gasolina.

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Turquia e Grécia/Dodacaneso
