Destinasyonlar > Hırvatistan > Konoba Quattro

Konoba Quattro

At the end of the 3 concrete piers, which belong to the restaurant, the water is about 3.2 metres deep ...


At the end of the 3 concrete piers, which belong to the restaurant, the water is about 3.2 metres deep. There are 2 moorings on each pier. In the middle of the jetties it is about 2 metres deep, the boats tying up alongside. In the high-ceilinged, airy restaurant area not only grilled fish and meat are served, but Brudet, goulash and, if ordered in advance, Pekas with fish, meat or octopus (preparation time about 2 hrs). Breakfast is on offer in the mornings. The proprietor speaks German, English and Italian. He & his family own the 200m high hill behind the restaurant, which has a 1.5 km pathway on it. Daily from 08:00 to 23:00, from Easter until mid-October.


N43°49'12,36" E15°17'6,36"

Bayexpress işbirliğiyle


10 yıldan daha fazladır, Bayexpress Türkiye, Doğu Yunan Adaları ve Hırvatistan sahilleri için denizcilere güvenilir bir kaynak olmuştur. Mobile uygulamanın Hırvatistan için hazırlanan yeni sürümünde, tüm sahiller boyunca ilginç yerler ve restaurantların yanısıra, tüm yakıt istasyonları, feribot iskeleleri ve daha önemlisi şamandıra alanları detaylı olarak verilmektedir.

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Türkiye & Yunanistan/12 Adalar
