Further to many questions that we have received, please find below our response to the COVID-19 challenges present today :

For all Booked Charters with departure date between today and 27/05/2020, as an alternative to our standard Cancellation Policy which continues to remain effective as is, we provide a solution in the form of a Voucher for any client wishing to postpone his booking with our fleet.

For any client who would like to proceed with this voucher, we shall immediately make the following steps:

We believe that this is a very flexible and fair solution for everybody involved.

For all Booked Charters with departure date after 27/05/2020, we shall re-evaluate the conditions prevailing In Europe closer to the date and make an announcement in mid-April 2020.

For any existing Booking that will not have been modified by the Voucher solution in time, our standard Cancellation Policy will remain effective.

We thank you for your co-operation and we hope that you will find us acting, according to your expectations.